We offer epee, foil and sabre class for different age groups, including kids, children, youth and adult.
Coached by Hong Kong Fencing Association licensed coaches. Classes are offered in Cantonese, Mandarin and English.
Kids Group Lesson (Age 4-6)
幼兒劍擊班 (4歲至6歲)
Enhance kid’s hand-foot coordination, thinking ability and concentration through a series of exercises and games. Cultivate their fencing interest and skill foundation through sparring session.
以遊戲方式訓練小朋友的手腳協調,思考能力及專注力,並透過每一堂的實戰,培養小朋友的劍擊興趣及劍擊思維,為日後提升劍擊水平打好基礎。Children Group Class (Age 7-10)
兒童劍擊班 (7歲至10歲)
Cooperate technical and tactical training to cultivate children’s thinking and resilience. Endurance and coordination exercises are added to strengthen children’s physical fitness.
Youth Group Class (Age 11 or above)
青少年劍擊班 (11歲或以上)
Advanced techniques, tactics, physical exercises as well as mental toughness will be trained to manage the pressure and failure.
教授進階劍擊步法,技術及戰術,同時加強訓練肌肉耐力及協調性,也重視訓練心理質素,於壓力或逆境時無畏無懼,以正確態度面對輸贏。Adult Group Class
Aim at easy start and enjoy the fun of an Olympic gold medal event. After learning the basic fencing techniques, you shall enjoy the excitement of sparring and reduce the work or life pressure.
以享受劍擊樂趣為主,輕鬆晋身参與奥運金牌運動,掌握劍擊的基礎及技術,於實戰環節享受對打的刺激,有助減輕生活及工作上的壓力。1-on-1 Individual Class
Aim at enhancing fencing skill including learning new technique or improving shortage. Through in-dept communications, we help students to sharpen fencing skill and develop their own fencing style.
主力針對劍擊技術提升,包括學習新技術或改善現有不足之處, 透過訓練過程中的深度溝通, 讓學員加深理解各項技術的應用時機及優劣,逐步協助學員以自身優勢建立個人的劍擊特色。Register for Trial Lesson
Is fencing challenging? Difficult? Have you ever tried it?
劍擊好驚? 好難? 定未試過呢?
During a trial lesson, children can experience the fun of fencing, parents get to know how we run a formal training lesson, and coaches can understand the ability of the children.
Please contact us for the trial lesson
Contact Us
9/F TAL Building, 49 Austin Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
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